Hi Y'all,
So, that Braggot I mentioned in the above post is a week into secondary and looking good. However, what I am really interested in chatting about is a new style the Nano-Brewery just put caps on last night.
The new style is called "Mild". This is a beer that in only produced in a very small part of rural England/Wales/Cornwall. It was very popular in the 1600's and fell out of style about 50-100 years ago. The idea behind this beer is that it is very low in alcohol 2.5 to 4.5 % ABV, has almost no hop bitterness or aroma and is kinda sweet and refreshing. Miners would drink this after a hard days work as you could drink a ton of it without getting drunk and it was thin enough in body that it would be very refreshing.
The "Clever title yet thought up" Mild we bottled sits at just slightly over 4%ABV. Quinn, who wasn't too excited in making a low alcohol beer at all, convinced me to put a fair amount of peated malt in the batch, so there is a definite smoke flavor in the beer as well as slight Plum and Chocolate tones. It was primed for carbonation along the lines with the style, meaning it should be just a little carbonated. Hopefully this beer will be a hit, as it is clean refreshing and cheap as hell to brew.
Thanks to Brandon for helping bottle this beer up, and for helping on a new brew that Quinn came up with.
---Ricky Hansing